Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23

I'm so sad that they cancelled this series, it had a refreshing new type of humour. I liked it a lot (you can say that I was practically addicted) and, let's face it, Chloe is awesome! The only thing I regret is not watching Season 2 in the right order (the order in which was aired wasn't the correct), but I'm going to re-watch it, so I guess it will be remedied.

I recommend it and I'm sure you'll have tons of fun (I did!). 

I'll leave here the correct order (according to James Van Der Beek):
"A Reunion" Episode 201 
 "It’s a Miracle" Episode 202 
"Love and Monsters" Episode 203 
 "Sexy People" Episode 204 
"Paris" Episode 205 
"Teddy Trouble" Episode 206 
"Monday June" Episode 207 
"Dating Games" Episode 208 
"The D" Episode 209
"The Seven Year Bitch" Episode 210 
"Using People" Episode 211 
"Ocupado" Episode 212 
"Original Bitch" Episode 213

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Ten things she have learned about the Portuguese

Here's an article wrote by a new Portugal citizen, Dr. Erin B. Taylor, about our costumes and traditions. Very interesting and, yes, mostly very true!

See here --> Popanth

Gerês, Portugal (photo by me)

Quoting from her:
"Since I moved to Portugal just over a year ago, countless Portuguese people have insisted to me that they are not at all like the Spanish: neither in food, language, nor behaviour. Is this true? If so, what makes them distinctive? As I was to discover, quite a lot, actually – even their animals have a different culture. Here’s a list of some of the weird and wonderful peculiarities that I have discovered."